Socket Fusion Machines

Riyang offers a wide range of socket fusion machines for most applications up to 160mm. It could be used to socket weld thermoplastic pipes made of HDPE, PVDF, PP, and PPR.

Socket Welder RRQ-160TS | RIYANG STORE

Socket Welder RRQ-160TD | RIYANG STORE

Socket Welder DRRQ-110 | RIYANG STORE

Socket Welder DRRQ-63 | RIYANG STORE

Socket Welder DRRQ-32 | RIYANG STORE

Socket Welder RRQ-110 | RIYANG STORE

Socket Welder RRQ-63 | RIYANG STORE

Socket Welder RRQ-32 | RIYANG STORE

Pipe Welding Tools

Pipe welding tools are usually requested when doing butt welding or electrofusion welding. It is a necessary tool to improve welding quality and efficiency. Riyang pipe welding tools include cutting, peeling, support, etc.

Pipe Alignment Tool ALIGNER 160&315 | RIYANG STORE

Manual Squeezer Tool ST63M ECO | RIYANG STORE

Pipe Alignment Tool ALIGNER 63&90 | RIYANG STORE

Hydraulic Squeezer Tool ST-H | RIYANG STORE